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A Horse Called Now

A Horse Called Now

Hardback (04 Jun 2024)

  • $19.39
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Publisher's Synopsis

A calm and reassuring story about overcoming worries and living in the present moment."When I'm afraid, I breathe in and out and let the feelings come . . . and then go. Nothing lasts forever."  

Now the Horse enjoys the singing of the birds, the chattering of the crickets and all the wonders of nature. But Rabbit fears being chased by a fox, and Hen  thinks a swooping magpie will catch her chicks.  

When a thunderstorm arrives, Now leads her friends to shelter . . . where they soon discover  that not everything is as frightening as it seems.

Listen to the free Stories Aloud audiobook- just scan the QR code on the back cover to read along with the story!

Book information

ISBN: 9798887770727
Publisher: Nosy Crow
Imprint: Nosy Crow
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 494g
Height: 281mm
Width: 258mm
Spine width: 11mm