Publisher's Synopsis
"His persistence in the face of every obstacle is admirable, and his triumphant attainment of his career goals is to be applauded." Publisher's Weekly BookLife Prize
"A Guy with An Accent should give every U.S. resident an appreciation of how fortunate we are to have been born here. It should also give us greater compassion for those who were born elsewhere but desire to come to the United States." Readers' Favorite * * * "He is probably carrying a bomb in his bag" A woman said this while passing by me in a Target parking lot. I was wearing a hefty backpack filled with my school and work belongings. My beard and hair were unkempt after a long day. That night in my basement room, I closed my eyes and thought about my life as an immigrant in the United States. Nothing has been easy. I experienced discriminating verbal attacks from strangers, hateful colleagues, no social life, and lost hope for the future... I thought about giving up at that moment. I felt like I had reached my breaking point, not knowing that I was going to achieve my American Dream of working at one of the top tech companies after a few years. * * * This book will help fellow immigrants find hope and strength to follow their dreams even in the darkest times. It will also help build bridges between those who have differences and be empathetic to those who are struggling. I will reveal the most important trait I learned along my immigration journey. One trait that makes or breaks your life. * * * Quotes mentioned in the book (and got inspired by): "All Americans have been immigrants or the descendants of immigrants" John F. Kennedy, author of A Nation of Immigrants "Most Americans have no idea how the immigration system works or what the citizenship process requires" Jose Antonio Vargas, author of Dear America "When something hurts, you can make something beautiful" America Ferrera, author ofAmerican Like Me "Undocumented immigrants were among the first responders when 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina happened. Many of them had thyroid cancer, sinusitis, asthma, and depression because of the conditions at ground zero" (based on) Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, author of The Undocumented Americans