Fgt Blackwater Diving in Hawai

Fgt Blackwater Diving in Hawai

Paperback (15 Oct 2020)

  • $21.93
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Publisher's Synopsis

The world's greatest migration of animal life occurs every evening when uncountable numbers of mostly small marine organisms rise up from the dark, chilly depths of the open ocean to its surface waters. The people who witness this nighttime migration are blackwater divers"€"brave divers who throw themselves off a boat in the dark of night in open ocean waters that are, for all practical purposes, bottomless. The animals that we encounter range in size from baby squids smaller than a pinky nail to forty-foot long jellyfish called siphonophores.

Kona is the birthplace and world headquarters for blackwater diving. Its proximity to deep water and favorable ocean conditions make Hawai'i the perfect place for blackwater diving. Blackwater Diving in Hawai'i is designed to satisfy the curious ocean aficionado by presenting beautiful photos and information on over 300 strange pelagic animals, most of which you won't find in a standard field guide to reef animals.

Book information

ISBN: 9781949307146
Publisher: Mutual Pub
Imprint: Mutual Pub
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 635g
Height: 226mm
Width: 150mm
Spine width: 15mm