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A Few More Chapters of Alice Through the Looking Glass

A Few More Chapters of Alice Through the Looking Glass A Colour Facsimile of the First Sequel to Lewis Carroll's Wonderland

Paperback original

Paperback (01 Nov 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

George T. Hartley has the distinction of having been the first of the many authors to write and publish a sequel or continuation of any of Lewis Carroll˜s Wonderland books. Prior to this, a few rather short child-into-otherworld pastiches had been released, but A Few More Chapters of Alice Through the Looking Glass was the earliest of its kind. There are only three copies of this book known, one in the National Art Library (Victoria and Albert Museum, London), one in the Morgan Library and Museum (New York), and one in the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville).

Book information

ISBN: 9781782013341
Publisher: Evertype
Imprint: Evertype
Pub date:
Edition: Paperback original
DEWEY: 823.8
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 102
Weight: 168g
Height: 220mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 7mm