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A Dragon Smirks: Cartoons by Joseph Pillsbury

A Dragon Smirks: Cartoons by Joseph Pillsbury

Paperback (19 May 2018)

  • $17.59
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Publisher's Synopsis

Joseph Pillsbury's cartoons appeared in nearly every issue of Dragon magazine (the official periodical of Dungeons and Dragons) during the 80s and 90s. For the first time, many of these cartoons have been assembled into an official collection. Also included are some never before seen cartoons that did not make the pages of Dragon but were funny enough to be included here. It has been said that Pillsbury's cartoons serve as an ode to the working men, women and monsters who slave away as NPCs, the unsung heroes of fantasy gaming. Enjoy! But support poor cartoonists by encouraging your friends to buy their own copies. Somewhere a cartoonist dies a little each time you violate their copyrights. Share responsibly! Always give the cartoonist credit and tell where your friends can get their own book! Thank you.

Book information

ISBN: 9780692120934
Publisher: Joseph Pillsbury
Imprint: Joseph Pillsbury
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 124
Weight: 209g
Height: 203mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 7mm