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A Concise Encyclopedia of Judaism

A Concise Encyclopedia of Judaism

Paperback (05 Nov 1998)

  • $20.77
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Publisher's Synopsis

Written with clarity and authority by an expert in the field, this new encyclopedia offers an in-depth study of all facets of this rich tradition. Combining breadth with a readable yet concise style, the author has produced a comprehensive volume that is balanced and accessible. It features a complete historical survey of Judaism, and covers figures from Cain to Chagall, topics from fasting to euthanasia, and locations from the Garden of Eden to the Wailing Wall. Dan Cohn-Sherbok's Concise Encyclopedia of Judaism is a lucid and invaluable addition to the library of students and anyone interested in the Jewish faith past and present.

About the Publisher


Book information

ISBN: 9781851681761
Publisher: Oneworld Publications
Imprint: Oneworld
Pub date:
DEWEY: 296.03
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 237
Weight: 318g
Height: 216mm
Width: 135mm
Spine width: 17mm