Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1919 edition. Excerpt: leading into captivity and no complaining in our streets, We beseech Thee to hear us, Good Lord. That Thy Kingdom may come on earth, We beseech Thee to hear us, Good Lord. Thursday--SPLENDOR of the thoughts of God For the life of men, Visions of the saints and seers, Burn for us again! From the night of ancient wrongs Wake our eyes to see Dawning in the skies the day God shall bring to be. W. Russell Bowie. Friday--TEi need a restoration of the mil lenial hope, which the Catholic Church dropped out of eschatology.... Our chief interest in any millenium is the desire for a social order in which the worth and freedom of every least human being will be honored and protected; in which the brotherhood of man will be expressed in the common possession of the economic resources of society; and in which the spiritual good of humanity will be set high above the private profit interests of all materialistic groups. We hope for such an order for humanity as we hope for heaven for ourselves. Walter Rauschenbusch: A Theology for the Social Gospel. Saturday--DUT wait--till out of pain and D strife Our new and nobler peace is born; Wait till the nation's coming life Moves radiant through the gates of morn. Eliza Scudder. WHITSUNTIDE THE GLORY OF THE CHURCH THEY were all with one accord in one place. That cloven tongues as of fire may again rest upon the leaders of the Church of God, We beseech Thee to hear us, Good Lord. Sunday--T N highly developed and spiritually " responsive groups, there is an actual heightening of inward power and a gathered sense of truth through union. Not on one favored forehead fell Of old the fire-tongued miracle, But flamed o'er all the thronging host The baptism of the Holy Ghost; Heart answer heart; in one desire...