Publisher's Synopsis
It's Western funny, exciting, real and serious. ENJOY THE RIDEThe devil maybe gets his day.But just The Lord can make it pay.Riding broncs, you maybe win, even if you live in sin.But with The Lord right at your side, you're sure to more enjoy your ride.And even if you win, or lose, you're doing it just as you choose.MEMORIESDo memories stand the test of time?Or can they bear the gradual climb?A memory one could not forget.I hope it's fun. Or better yet, Memories of a love that pleases you.A memory that I hope is true.A tragic memory's never fine.It leaves ya tight and makes ya pine.But held in check, 'twill finally fade.And then with time, ya'll have it made.THE HUMAN RACEThe fact that every human kind.Is searching all around to find.The roots from where they all came from.And technically they all did come, All through this life; throughout these scenes, Into this world from Adam's genes.But now we hate this race or that, Because of birth, or where it's at.The greatest thing to me is fate.The very worst, I think is hate.For every race thinks they're the best.And every other just a pest, The utmost thing we need to face;There's only one; the human race.I RESPECT MY FRIENDSStrangers are simply friends I haven't met.And seldom do I meet ones I regret.Friends are ones I have reason to believe, That can use sources too friendship achieve.Friends who don't all agree, but will forgive.Are the ones that I prefer and hope they'll live, Close enough for us to really enjoy, This life and love that they and I employ!I know that my true friends I'd not eject.But each, and every friend I do respect, And hope they'll remain to me 'til the end.I truly wish to be a real t