Publisher's Synopsis
Nicole Shanahan had a hard childhood in Oakland, but she worked hard and eventually became a tech entrepreneur and humanitarian. She overcame obstacles to get through law school and into the world of intellectual property, where she started ClearAccessIP and led new projects at Stanford. Nicole's story does not end there, though.
This story goes into detail about how she started the Bia-Echo Foundation and how she is using it to solve some of the most important problems in society. You will learn about the woman behind the news stories about her marriage to Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, their public split, and her surprise run for vice president with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Check out Nicole Shanahan's amazing life in this book. It starts with her youth and ends with her job as a thinker where technology and social change meet. You will be amazed at her strength, willfulness to bring about change, and how her life has taken so many unusual turns. Do not miss this opportunity to learn what one of the most significant persons in the world nowadays believes and feels.