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A Bed of Your Own!

A Bed of Your Own!

1st Edition for the United States and Canada

Paperback (01 Aug 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Here's the perfect bedtime story parents can read to children who have trouble falling asleep at night. It's the newest rhyming adventure of Suzy Sue, who is

"--ready for bed, just like you!
She brushed her teeth.
She picked up her Ted . . .
She clambered and climbed into her bed."

But Suzy Sue can't fall asleep, because she simply can't get comfortable in her bed. She soon discovers why. A cow and a horse and a sheep and a goat are all crowding in and trying to share space with her. Children will laugh at this comical fantasy--and many kids will identify with the little girl who can't fall asleep at bedtime. Big, funny, full-color illustrations complement the story on every page

Book information

ISBN: 9780764147685
Publisher: B.E.S.
Imprint: Barron's Educational Series
Pub date:
Edition: 1st Edition for the United States and Canada
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 204g
Height: 259mm
Width: 254mm
Spine width: 8mm