Publisher's Synopsis
Acting is a worthy art form that revolves around thespians taking on complex characters in compelling stories to bring to life a narrative that has the power to touch our hearts and souls. But when it comes to learning the craft of acting, so often the most popular methods taught to actors throughout the years have proven to be ineffective, inconsistent, or sometimes even dangerous. The methods given might work in a classroom, but on an actual set or stage, they prove unhelpful as they revolve almost entirely around creating an emotional response that is often impossible to either achieve or replicate under the demanding circumstances a professional actor will find themselves in.
In Acting From The Intellect, author and award-winning actor Nathan Clarkson details his own method that he has formulated and employed throughout his career. It's a method that doesn't root from fickle and uncontrollable emotions, but rather the reliable base of the mind. Nathan guides actors through elements of psychology, philosophy, and sociology to mentally build a more full and useful understanding of the characters we will be called to play, which ultimately will lead to more honest and connective performances.