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The US-China Rift and Its Impact on Globalisation

The US-China Rift and Its Impact on Globalisation Crisis, Strategy, Transitions - Studies in Critical Social Sciences

Paperback (25 Mar 2025)

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Hardback (15 Feb 2024) $183.81

Publisher's Synopsis

Today, globalisation has entered a critical phase of slowdown. The asymmetrical US-China relationship that has been the fundamental axis up to now has entered into crisis. The financial imperialism of the dollar proves to be increasingly burdensome and destabilizing. The rise of capitalist China is questioning US imperialist levy.

The US-China Rift and Its Impact on Globisation offers a comprehensive analysis of the looming confrontation, while identifying potential points of no return in the intertwined dynamics of the world market, geopolitical configurations, and class relationships. Neither contender can give up the game. Will there be a de-globalisation? Is a multipolar order realistic? Are we facing a Chinese hegemonic challenge or rather first signs that hint at the potential for systemic disintegration? This important book takes up these questions and more.

About the Publisher

Haymarket Books

Book information

ISBN: 9798888903513
Publisher: Haymarket Books
Imprint: Haymarket Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 312
Weight: -1g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm