Publisher's Synopsis
The story takes place in the future and after a long period of Earth's history. The story involves a creature named Roc, who lived below the surface of the ocean. For those who have watched, "Creature from the Black Lagoon," way back when in 3D, Roc and all of the other Yelics in his underwater community looked similar to that creature that one might say is similar to a highly evolved amphibian. This story takes place well after the demise of the human species and after multitudes of Earth changing events of which some may have caused the demise of the human species.
How a creature like Roc could exist this far in the future without humans is conjecture in that a great flood could have killed all of the humans or a multitude of other events could have exterminated them. During this time and these events, some amphibians in the ocean evolved over eons to resemble humans to some degree in appearance, or a land animal evolved over eons that returned to the sea. Whatever the case, this resulted in an unknown number of Yelic communities under the sea.