Publisher's Synopsis
Amid unspoken anguish, there is hope.
Isabel, a child lost to miscarriage, awakens in the Timeless Playground where children go to play until their parents arrive to pick them up. Alongside her spunky cousin Cheyenne, Isabel experiences the magnificence of Heaven, the wonders of the Trinity, and the bond of family long since gone. However, to her dismay, she also observes her still living parents as they struggle to navigate life following their tragic loss. On Earth, Isabel's parents, David and Sami, learn that their misfortune isn't uncommon and that, amid friends and family who care for them, they aren't alone. However, their grief is great, and guilt has a way of destroying even the most devout believers. But there is a world we cannot see and a God who makes all things possible. In 2010, Bradford Combs and his wife lost what would have been their third child. In the years that followed, he tried time and again to capture the grief he felt following their unexpected loss-but to no avail. It wasn't until he renewed his faith in God that true inspiration hit. Thus, pulling from his experiences and the experiences of others, Bradford Combs crafts an all too personal story intertwining loss and regret with joy and redemption. It is a story of hope. We are reminded that though tragedy may come, there is healing in the arms of the Father. Bradford Combs lives in Hamilton, Ohio with his wife and two daughters. He gave his life to Christ when he was 15 years old and has since served as everything from an usher to a deacon. He is currently attending The Well Bible Church in Oxford, Ohio.