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2500 Gujarati to English Sentences Learn English Speaking From Gujarati For Beginners

2500 Gujarati to English Sentences Learn English Speaking From Gujarati For Beginners

Paperback (10 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

2500 Gujarati to English Sentences Learn English Speaking From Gujarati For Beginners
Daily use Gujarati to English sentences.

  1. 100 Sentences start from 'How'
  2. 100 Sentences start from 'What'
  3. 100 Sentences start from 'Where
  4. 100 Sentences start from 'When
  5. 100 Sentences start from 'This
  6. 100 Sentences start from 'That
  7. 100 Sentences start from 'Those
  8. 100 Sentences start from 'These
  9. 100 Sentences start from 'They
  10. 100 Sentences start from 'Can
  11. 100 Sentences start from 'Could
  12. 100 Sentences start from 'Would
  13. 100 Sentences start from 'Did
  14. 100 Sentences start from 'Do
  15. 100 Sentences start from 'Does
  16. 100 Sentences start from 'Maybe
  17. 100 Sentences start from 'Do you
  18. 100 Sentences start from 'I think
  19. 100 Sentences start from 'We should
  20. 100 Sentences start from 'I have to
  21. 100 Sentences start from 'You must
  22. 100 Sentences start from 'Can you
  23. 100 Sentences start from 'I don't
  24. 100 Sentences start from 'Have
  25. 100 Sentences start from 'I didn't

Book information

ISBN: 9798871426913
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 168
Weight: 304g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 9mm