Publisher's Synopsis
Title: "Rory the Rooftop Raccoon / Rory el Mapache del Tejado"
"Rory the Rooftop Raccoon / Rory el Mapache del Tejado" is a unique bilingual book that combines two stories in one, with English and Spanish translations on each page.
Title Page:
Título: "Rory el Mapache del Tejado / Rory the Rooftop Raccoon"
Page 1 (English):
Once upon a time, in a cozy yard, lived a curious raccoon named Rory.
Page 1 (Spanish):
Había una vez, en un acogedor patio, vivía un mapache curioso llamado Rory.
Page 2 (English):
Rory loved to explore, and today, he had his eyes on a tall tree.
Page 2 (Spanish):
A Rory le encantaba explorar, y ese día, tenía su mirada puesta en un alto árbol.
And so, the book continues, with each page providing a side-by-side English and Spanish translation, allowing young readers to enjoy the story in both languages, fostering language development and cultural understanding. "Rory the Rooftop Raccoon / Rory el Mapache del Tejado" is a delightful way to introduce children to the beauty of bilingual storytelling.