Publisher's Synopsis
Corporate Governance in 100 Minutes
In sprint with fun to the point for all
Long distance for all is out!
Our time is characterised by speed, speediness and breathtaking progress.
In-depth knowledge is increasingly reserved for specialists.
The number of complex texts on the subject of corporate governance is overwhelming.
This book is different: with 100 pages, it is condensed to the point and written in an extremely accessible way.
It is aimed at interested young people, students of all fields of study, people in practice, entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to keep an eye on the big points.
Written by an author who can also go the long haul and therefore knows what the "big points" are!
In this spirit: On your mark, get set, go!
"This is a unique and enjoyable opportunity to get a well-structured and concise overview of the essentials of corporate governance in just 100 minutes."
Dr. Michael Menhart, Global Chief Economist, Munich Re Group
"In one word: Unique. In two words: Great class. In one sentence: This easy-to-read book sets a new standard when it comes to presenting a complex topic for everyone in such a catchy way that one really enjoys acquiring knowledge. Victory and mission accomplished!"
Christoph Schweizer, Managing Director, TraveKom GmbH
The author
Prof. Carsten Rennhak is currently Dean of the Business School at the University of Bundeswehr Munich. He previously held the Chairs of Marketing at ESB Business School Reutlingen and Munich Business School and is a visiting professor at ZSEM Zagreb, SP Jain Mumbai and Haaga-Helia, Helsinki. He has published more than 20 books and more than 200 articles. Prof. Rennhak serves as an advisor to top management in numerous leading companies.