Publisher's Synopsis
What do Elon Musk, Queen Elizabeth and Christiano Ronaldo all have in common? The same thing that the College student, the McDonalds employee and hunter from the African tribe do. It's the same thing your Dad, Mum and even YOU have in common. It is TIME. We all have 24 hours in a day. So, how do we all share this valuable resource, yet live very different lives?
With so many time management books to choose from, which one will give you the most return on your time? This is where "Don't find time. Create It" comes in.
If you invest your time into reading this book you will gain:
- The four pillars of focus to put your time into in order to live your best life
- The tools needed to know exactly what you want to put your time into
- Daily life hacks you can do right now to be more effective
- A guide to thrive in the digital age
- A quick guide you can refer back to that keeps you on track with your time management
This book skips all the fluff and condenses the most important philosophies and actions you can take today in the digital age to thrive in your life.
If you value your time, this is the book for you. Scroll up and I'll see you inside!