Publisher's Synopsis
In the year 2084, the remnants of the United States echo with the aftermath of a nuclear war, transforming it into the claustrophobic confines of a 15-minute city. As a survivor, you are far from fortunate in this divided world of governmental and non-governmental sectors. The Green Commission, under the watchful eye of the DOSS, dictates birth rates, education, housing, and even food. Trapped in this dystopian existence, you, an employee of DOSS, are thrust into a moral quandary when tasked with uncovering secrets about upcoming fertility vaccines.
Caught between loyalty and the truth, your search thrusts you into a web of intrigue, culminating in a deadly struggle that claims the lives of two - one being your spouse. Wrongly accused of murder, you find yourself incarcerated in a merciless prison, where survival depends on proving your continued worth or facing reclamation for the environment. Amidst the shadows of confinement, an unexpected opportunity arises - to contribute to a revolutionary human/cyborg prototype. Yet, the design holds the key to either a lifetime of opportunities or a descent into unimaginable nightmares. The Burden of Tomorrow is more than a dystopian thriller; it's a cautionary tale echoing the message: if history's lessons are ignored, they resurface with catastrophic consequences.