Publisher's Synopsis
This prosperous little town had a sugar factory that processed tons of Sugar Beets. There are many interesting articles about the Pioneers of Lehi.
Some of the Family Surnames are: Adolf, Allen, Allred, Andreasen, Andreason, Andersen, Anderson, Anthony, Austin, Bailey, Ball, Barlow, Barnes, Barns, Bates, Beck, Beddison, Bell, Bennett, Bessenger, Biesinger, Blair, Bond, Bone, Booth, Brandeburg, Brandly, Briggs, Broadbent, Brown, Buchanan, Bushman, Butler, Carson, Carter, Champlin, Chilton, Christensen, Clark, Clarke, Coates, Coledge, Coleman, Colledge, Collett, Colvin, Comer, Cook, Cooley, Crandal, Cutler, Dadge, Darton, Davis, Dayton, Decker, Degelbeck, Doolittle, Dunn, Eastman, Eden, Edwards, Eggertson, Empy, England, Evans, Farnsworth, Ferguson, Fields, Firkins, Firm, Fitzgerald, Flack, Folker, Foster, Fotheringham, Fowler, Fox, Friel, Gaddy, Gadly, Galloway, Garff, Gass, Gibbs, Gilchrist, Gilnes, Glover, Goates, Golding, Goodmansen, Goodwin, Gottlib, Gove, Griggs, Guerney, Hacking, Hague, Hahn, Hanptffeisch, Hansen, Harwood, Hatch, Hawkings, Higley, Hilton, Hitchman, Hofer, Holdsworth, Holl, Hooper, Hopkins, Hudson, Hunter, Hutchings, Hunt, Hyde, Jacobs, James, Johansen, Johanson, Johnson, Jonansen, Jones, Justesen, Kafoed, Karren, Karsen, Kirkham, Kjeldsen, Kramer, Kupfer, Laughlin, Lautensak, Legg, Lemon, Lewis, Loader, Locklin, Lott, Lundquist, Mail, Martin, Mayhem, McFarland, McMonnell, McGaw, McKinney, Mecham, Mersenger, Messersmith, Mineer, Molen, Moller, Mortensen, Mulliner, Murdock, Neal, Nicholson, Nielsen, Nielson, Nisonger, Nissen, Norton, Olmstead, Park, Parker, Peteetneet, Peter, Petersen, Peterson, Phelps, Phillips, Philomen, Phippin, Pickle, Pierce, Plant, Pollard, Polsen, Powell, Priest, Racker, Radman, Rager, Riggs, Rockwell, Rodback, Rodeback, Rollinson, Rosa, Ross, Rosser, Russon, Sawyer, Say, Scharrer, Schweight, Shupbach, Skeen, Smith, Smuin, Smuing, Snow, Sorenson, Southwick, Standing, Standring, Stephens, Stewart, Stoddart, Stuben, Sunderland, Taylor, Teryusson, Thomas, Thompson, Thurman, Thurmond, Trane, Walker, Walters, Wanless, Wardles, Warren, Webb, Wedge, Weeks, Whipple, Whittaker, Wilcox, Willes, Williams, Willis, Willschluger, Wimpey, Wingbald, Wines, Winn, Woodhouse, Woods, Woodward, Yan-Tan, Yates, Zimmerman.
Some of the articles are easier to read than others, please consider that they are 100 years old or older.