Publisher's Synopsis
"Carrick Glynn" is a stand alone horror novel set in the town of Sallow Creek.
"Chilling folk horror that holds nothing back. I was gobsmacked!" - Gabe's Horror Reviews Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat... There's nothing in the world Benji Roth loves more than Halloween. But when his hometown puts an age limit on trick or treating, he's left without a way to celebrate the best holiday of the year. Hope arrives in the form of a new girl in town. A girl who tells him about unforgettable Halloween celebrations in a town not too far away. Benji convinces his best friends to join him on a trip to Carrick Glynn for a holiday they'll never forget. But Carrick Glynn has other plans for Benji and his friends. And the town always gets what it wants.