Publisher's Synopsis
Honey from time immemorial has been used by our ancestors from all countries and continue to be favored till today by many. The reason behind this is the fact the golden liquid is not only tasty, but has incredible properties which cannot be overlooked easily for anyone who chooses to lead a fitter life.
It can be used in a number of creative ways every day as part of our routine to improve our overall healthy by boosting our family's immunity, curing common ailments in simple ways instead of resorting to expensive antibiotic every time, aiding weight loss naturally without side effects and enhancing our skin and hair texture in the most long lasting ways. Eating honey can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes--even help reduce body fat and unwanted weight!--and increase longevity.Pure, raw, unprocessed honey is a healthier sweetener than table sugar and high fructose corn syrup. It's chock-full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins--and only has 21 calories per teaspoon.
Discover the proven and powerful health, beauty and healing properties of nature's miracle medicine with The Honey Miracle