Publisher's Synopsis
In 1991, Nickelodeon began broadcasting their own original animated series. There were only three shows back then: Doug, Ren & Stimpy, and Rugrats. Doug was a very straight-laced show about a kid trying to fit in at his new school. Ren & Stimpy was absolute insanity contained within a 22 minute run time. Rugrats was somewhere in the middle, as it featured bizarre scenarios conjured up by the mind of an infant, but was set in your average American household.
All three of the shows would go on to be big hits. Rugrats would outlast the others, and would continue in some form or another until 2008. It is still being shown in re-runs across the globe, and has been enjoyed by children for twenty five years now. You might think that a show about babies must have had a boring history, right? Wrong! Rugrats dealt with a lot of behind the scenes controversy, accusations of racism, and lawsuits. We are here today to look into the chequered history of this beloved kids show. From problems with Godzilla, to the rumours of its return, this book includes quizzes and things you didn't know about rugrats.