Publisher's Synopsis
⦁Technology influences the car user demand change for the Auto IndustryThe growth of organized car rental industry is continuously growing with support of technology. The car customers in the present era are using mobile apps to book a cab at anytime and from any place in urban areas. The pricing strategy of cab operators had been positively influencing customers to book a cab instead of traditional mode of transportation like autos and local buses etc. Like most of the industries the car rental industry had underwent lot of transformation with internet technology. The consumers are able to access book cabs at competitive prices because of tough competition among the organized cab operators. In this regard the present paper briefs about the behavior of consumers while booking cabs. The variables like coupon redemption, innovativeness and price consciousness. 1. Quality > AffordabilityQuality can, of course, mean different things to different people and different markets. It's important for auto brands to dig further into this and find out what aspects (security, aesthetics, reliability) are most important for their target audience. For example, 'Innovative products or services' in auto brands than those in other countries. Brands must do their research to ensure the product they're producing meets the quality standards in the regions and communities they're targeting. There's more to a car than getting from A to B.2. Sustainability and renewablesSustainability was not particularly popular, although many people globally named renewable energy as one of the biggest transformative technologies of the next year. This presents an interesting contradiction - while many think renewable energy will change the world in the next year, few of us are prioritizing sustainability when it comes to choosing auto brands. This could be because vehicles that don't harm the environment are very much still in the minority, and could be seen as too expensive or not practically viable for consumers. As climate change protests grow in number and size, it seems like the time is now for auto brands to move on this point. 3. The importance of friendly customer serviceGlobally, friendly customer service was an important attribute, with 10% of people choosing it as the most important attribute for an auto brand. When we looked at social data, negative conversation focussed mainly on people's experiences when cars go wrong - dealerships, warranties, fixing things and things not working were big topics of discussion. Clearly, when people are shopping for a vehicle, or when things go wrong with the vehicle they have, there's an opportunity to garner favor with customers with warm interactions.4.Non-manual driven auto car inventionWe were keen to find out what consumers thought of the prospect of self-driving cars as we head into 2020. While many clearly think they're a way off, we found that 9% of consumers globally think self-driving cars will be the most transformative tech of 2020. Meanwhile, of all the transformative tech we studied, self-driving cars are the third most hyped tech we studied on social. Looking at responses by country, those in the US were most likely of all the countries to vote for self-driving cars, while responses from Spain were least likely of all the countries likely to choose this option.