Publisher's Synopsis
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was an effort by abolitionist John Brown, from October 16 to 18, 1859, to initiate a slave revolt in Southern states by taking over the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. It has been called the dress rehearsal for, or Tragic Prelude to, the Civil War.John Brown's raidonHarpers FerryChapter 1: History John Brown1.1 Advance knowledge of the raid1.2 Timeline of the raid1.3 Monday, October 171.4 Armory employees taken hostage1.5 Armed citizens arrive1.6 Buchanan calls out the Marines1.7 Tuesday, October 181.8 Interview by Governor Wise1.9 Interview by Senator Mason and two Representatives1.10 Wednesday, October 19Chapter 2: Trial and execution2.1 Consequences of Brown's raid2.2 CasualtiesChapter 3: Legacy3.1 Conflicting interpretationsChapter 4: John Brown's raiders4.1 Sources of information4.2 Participants4.3 EyewitnessesChapter 5: AgesChapter 6: Black participationChapter 7: Burials7.1 SymbolsChapter 8: Killed during the raidChapter 9: Captured, tried, convicted, and executed by hanging9.1 Captured, died in jail