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The Cure for Robot Cancer

The Cure for Robot Cancer

Paperback (31 Aug 2021)

  • $9.37
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Publisher's Synopsis

Cat and Wolf are two teens separated just after finishing high school and falling madly in love. They're forced apart by a technological infection that turns limbs into gears, belts, circuits and wires. Then peoples' entire bodies get converted into refrigerators, 3D-printers, photocopiers, microwaves and laser printers. Cat and Wolf clandestinely meet on a moving train, then diverge. Wolf travels back in time to destroy the slave trade. Cat floats into space with a cargo of Amazon office supplies and a meal-serving "Breakfast Bot" as his only companion. Then, in a matter of weeks, they reunite the world to beat the digital infections.

Toy sculptor Mike Leavitt's third novella brazenly solves global health and justice issues as if it was as simple as a widely streamed poetry reading. The Cure for Robot Cancer is a teen romance that teases odd links across space and time, then brings them back home again.

Book information

ISBN: 9798717553827
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 154g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 7mm