Publisher's Synopsis
"Seeking the will of the Father and doing only that which the Father tells us to do is the life of a true believer" Dr. Steve Rocco, Vain Imaginations, Calvary Publishing Co. 2018. These very words that I wrote in 2018 are the inspiration for this book, The Pursuit of Holiness. It is a writing about the journey we can expect to take as a Christian through our earthly life. Holiness is not a condition we obtain through the works of our Christian life but rather a place in which we walk with the Father in attaining Christ-likeness. There can be no other place in life where heaven touches our earth than in the continual presence of an awesome God. The God we call Father. The great aspect of holiness is not the works of the Christian disciple, that is a small part of the outworkings of the inward man who resides in Christ, but it is understanding that God has placed His laws in our mind and on our hearts. It is mediated through our great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. The placing of His laws on our hearts and in our mind is the fulfillment of His cove-nant to His people. It is the great difference between external law and the inner life of Christ. In having said that, it is the fulfillment of His covenant that the external law by the promise of the New Covenant is converted into the inner life. God and His holiness, Christ and His Holy Spirit belong to us, draw nearer to us, and essentially are within us manifesting the true inheritance of our inner life. By walking in His holiness, we think as One, act as One, and our will and feelings are aligned with Him in the Spirit man. The words of Andrew Murray are no different than the question he asks in his book "The Holiest of All," pg. 292: "Why does an acorn so spontaneously grow up into an oak? Because the law of the oak is written in the heart of the acorn." In turn, why does the nature of man in Christ change his understanding of life? Because the laws of God were placed in his mind and on his heart through his acceptance of the life of Christ. In this book I will explain the importance of pursuing God and walking in the power of His fellowship. It is the intimate moments with the Lord, like Jesus' time in the garden of Gethsemane, that bring us to the deeper waters of His anointing in the hope that we can in some way come to the knowledge of His holiness. To obtain His glory is not an easy task. The Lord is unequaled in comparison to any god, any philosophy, or anything we could obtain from other religions. He has no equal! He is the true essence of our being and our existence is complete only in Him. Yet, in knowing and experiencing His greatness, His holiness, and His eternal glory, He has through His grace granted us an eternal audience with Him. This alone should compel us to want to pursue His holiness and walk with Him all the days of our lives. "I was glad when they said unto me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord" Psalm 122:1. I pray this book finds you well in your journey with the Lord and that you obtain an understanding through this writing to be inspired to an undying desire in The Pursuit of His Holiness.