Publisher's Synopsis
Unisex names are neutral names or names that are used interchangeably by men and women in different countries. Increasingly, parents are choosing unisex names for their children. Some choose it even before knowing the sex of the baby, those who prefer not to impose a gender identity on their children related to a boy or girl name, and of course, also those who choose a unisex name simply because they like how it sounds or its meaning.If you prefer a name that is neither a boy nor a girl, we prepare a long list of unisex names for the baby that will inspire you.As you can see in the book, there are different types of unisex names. What we could call genuine are those that apply to men and women in the same language, such as Trinidad or Cruz, although some countries or regions may be more predominant for one of the sexes, such as Guadalupe.On the other hand, there are the names that are unisex in different languages, that is, they coincide in form but not in gender, as is the case of Andrea, masculine in Italian but feminine in Spanish. There are also what sound the same but are written differently like Gabrielle in French, but Gabriel, masculine, in Spanish.Especially in countries where there is no specific legislation for the registration of names, it has become fashionable to put names that, although they are masculine, are used by women or vice versa. This is the case of names in English like Charlie or Jess. To further curl the curl, there are brand names or strangers names that parents are inspired to name their babies. Many of them are applied interchangeably for both sexes.So, if you are thinking and looking for names for your little one, the option of choosing them neutral, that they serve for both women and men is increasingly used. They are original, easier to combine with surnames, and are not identified with a gender, but with an idea or principle or word.