Publisher's Synopsis
This is PSTJ Volume 11 Issue 4 first published in July 2020. It is entitled "Bimetric Convergence, Mandelbrot Butterfly, & Quantum Coherence" and contains the following articles: (1) Bimetric Convergence; (2) Mandelbrot Butterfly Identification - Classifying Misiurewicz Points of the Second Type; (3) Complex Dynamics as Foundation of Relativistic Spacetime; (4) Emergence of Lie Groups & Gauge Symmetries from Complex Dynamics; (5) Stability of the Fermi Scale from the KAM Theorem; (6) Emergence of Planck's Constant from Iterated Maps; (7) Magnetized Locally-rotationally Symmetric Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model with Wet Dark Fluid in General Relativity; (8) Confluence of Theories; (9) A Unit Cell of Quantum Gravity; (10) Numerical solution for 3D motions in the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem; and (11) Quantum Coherence, Telepathic Fields, Time-travel & the Texture of Hyperdimension.Prespacetime Journal ("PSTJ," http: // is a publication in which physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of spacetime and its possible connection to a prespacetime. It is also a journal where all learned scholars can present their models and experimental results on elemental particles, fundamental forces including gravity and related topics.