Publisher's Synopsis
"Crowd Saving at a Glance," is a brief introduction to Crowd Saving.
The book opens with The Money Motivation Photo, A Preface, Contents and Crowd Saving defined to add a little more insight into the practice of Crowd Saving. Crowd Saving is a target based, deposit backed, financial saving method created by Desmond Evan Johnson. The booklet entitled, "Crowd Saving at a Glance," includes, "The MacBook Plan," which is an example of Crowd Saving and how it works. It then furthers in transformation from the example of crowd saving, "The MacBook Plan," into a very unique financial method of saving called, "Crowd Saving." The book then makes a pitch to financiers to be employed as a secondary method of saving in most financial institutions such as banks, etc.. Hopefully Crowd Saving will be added as a savings option at your local banking institutions soon. "Call a crowd and put some cash in your pockets today."