Publisher's Synopsis
Bobby was a very busy little beaver. He liked to gnaw on trees so much that he often forgot what he needed to get done. His parents were worried that Bobby would not be successful at school because he was too busy. A visit to Bobby's kindergarten teacher before school provided a strategy for Bobby to focus and be successful in school. After reading the book, guide your child through these discussion questions..... Tell about a time you were doing something you were not supposed to be doing. What happened? Do you forget to do things that are important? What are they? How do you remind yourself to follow rules in your house or at school? Who helps you remember?
Starting school is such an exciting time for both children and their families. For some children, it can be a scary time as well. Helping children prepare for their new experiences can make the adjustment to school a bit smoother.Children may have fears or worries about what could happen. They may be frightened about making new friends, fitting in, making mistakes or being separated from their families.
What does your child think about it?
We've written the Forest Floor Elementary Series to help parents talk to their children about their concerns and come up with strategies for handling them.
Our Forest Floor Elementary Series has a story about Sammi who is scared and nervous, Ezra who is anxious and sad, Bobby who is always busy and often has to apologize for his behavior, and Minnie who feels misunderstood as an uncommon forest animal.
Even if your child is not scared, anxious, too busy, or misunderstood, he or she will benefit from understanding the possible concerns of their new classmates.
As an elementary school teacher and principal for over 40 years, I recognize that parents know their children best and can be partners in the effort to help every child be successful.
So enjoy these stories written with love, listen to your children, and please and let us know how these stories have helped your child get ready to start school. send to: [email protected]
Our wish is for all children to celebrate the unique qualities they possess and achieve their full potential.
Happy reading!
Renee Sedlack, Ed. D