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Mandalas Anti-Stress - Coloring Book for Adults

Mandalas Anti-Stress - Coloring Book for Adults Wonderful Mandalas for Enthusiasts Coloring Book Adults and Children Anti-Stress and Relaxing Objects, Animals, Landscapes, Fruits, Vegetables Ideal Gift For Lovers of Drawing

Paperback (14 Oct 2020)

  • $11.55
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Publisher's Synopsis

★★★A perfect drawing book for the child or the adult obsessed by drawing!★★★

Take some time for yourself with this MAGNIFICENT coloring book!

Looking for a book to relax and find a moment of serenity and fun? Here is the book that will meet your expectations.

✔️ Appropriate for beginners and experienced colorists alike with a variety of designs from simple to complicated.

✔️ Professionally designed coloring book with high-definition images reproduced on quality paper

✔️ Large format, and not too many pages so it's easier to open the book flat to color on it and a black sheet on the front so that your drawing is detachable and UNIQUE .

Book information

ISBN: 9798697735435
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 84
Weight: 218g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 4mm