Publisher's Synopsis
The ultimate, hands-on guide to the science and art of homemade cheeseThe art and craft of home cheese making is gaining popularity. Homemade cheese cookbook provides a complete guide to making cheese and other fermented dairy products from scratch, geared toward helping cheese lovers to develop the intuition and abilities to recreate over 50 mouth-watering cheeses from the comfort of their home kitchen. This book makes it easy for any cheese lover to start crafting their own scrumptious cheeses. This well- illustrated, clearly written practical guide assumes no prior skill on the part of the cheese lover. Topics include: -Fundamentals of cheese making-kinds of animal milk and their influence in cheese making-how to make cheese starter cultures-how to make spreadable and fresh cheeses -how to make cheese from whey and leftovers of various cheeses-how to make soft ripened, semi-hard washed, hard cheeses-how to make other dairy products like butter and geeHomemade cheese cookbook is packed with everything you need to create delicious, nourishing and beautiful classic cheeses and other dairy delights; this book also contains lots of lovely cheese recipes like-Feta cheese sauce and chicken breast-Indian saag panner-Salmon and edam cheese salad-Baked kale with Gruyère cheese and sourdough. etc With this book making cheese at home is fun, why don't you try your hands on homemade cheese with this book and satisfy your taste buds in a healthy way with no much expense. Hit the buy now button to get a copy