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To Charleston, With Love

To Charleston, With Love - Southern Hearts

Paperback (31 Dec 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What happens when a milestone birthday prompts a set of very personal dares? The big 3-0 is on the way for a trio of best friends. With no men in their lives, they challenge each other to go after the one man each has always wanted. For Catherine, it's the intimidating Phillip Trent. Kallie has her sights set on best bud, Beau, who unfortunately sees her as one of the guys. Gina isn't sure what or who she wants, but it's not Trey Lipman, the man who humiliated her and broke her heart. ***Originally published as Play With Me

Book information

ISBN: 9798692409638
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 244
Weight: 245g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 13mm