Publisher's Synopsis
A kids Activities book to understanding, expressing, and getting through parents' divorce
Going through the process of divorce is a challenging life transition for children as they may seem too young to understand what is happening, but they can still be affected by stressful events. During this period, they feel a variety of different emotions as they are not used to what is going on, they have a lot of questions for their parents to answer. Parents/guidance should provide their children with the necessary understanding and support.This book is specially designed for children to understanding, expressing their feelings, and getting through their parents'divorce in just 3 MONTHS!
Included in this journal are guides and activities carefully created to help parents support their children and guide them to work through their feelings, concerns, and frustrations regarding divorce in 3 MONTHS ( 5 WEEKS PER MONTH ).
If you are a mom looking to get the "mom's version" of this book for your child. Search "Why mom had to leave and what I must do by Steve Parker" on the Amazon search bar.
Steve Parker is a Psychologist, author, and multi-instrumentalist. He has worked extensively with several families dealing with divorce and co-parenting. He has supervised other mediators and helped parents to design healthy parenting plans in their children's best interests. What you will find in this book is the result of several years of research to help kids after parents' divorce. I am certain your child will find this book helpful - Steve Parker.