The Gray Tower

The Gray Tower The Power of Parallel Worlds at Work on Earth - Série De Suspense E Terror

Paperback (17 Aug 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Nothing is by chance, everything that happens on earth is linked to a correlation of spiritual forces, to a battle between light and chaos. There are several parallel worlds, parallel universes and parallel dimensions. The world is interconnected to all these worlds that the Apostle Paul called a great cloud of witnesses.There is a gray tower that connects the earth and these parallel worlds on the chaos side while the golden tower connects on the light side.There is an illuminati pyramid on earth ruling the world and this gray tower is the axis that connects this tower with other worlds of the abyss.In the great judgment all these beings are judged for perverting and controlling the land. Today they control in secret by dominating souls through abductions.Of course, the Grays are in charge of the abductions, but reports that came to me recently show that there are other forces working with the Grays.The world is undergoing immense changes and the current pandemic is just a sign that the Apocalypse is coming.In the Apocalypse the forces of light and chaos will fight for control of the planet and the gray tower will be the axis that will move chaos over the earth.The Dajjal palace in Syria is in the form of an inverted pyramid and the gray tower connects to it at its base.Through this tower pass the beings of chaos who wish to control the earth and the body of Dajjal is their door into our world.It is through the gray tower that they see it on a global scale, but the AXIS MUNDI of this tower is in the palace of Dajjal in the desert between Syria and Iraq.The tower is formed by seven segments, seven, the number of portals, because it is through this tower that the seven hierarchies of chaos try to control our world.

Book information

ISBN: 9798676046866
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 236g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 9mm