Publisher's Synopsis
Dive into this fourth book in the series for magic and surprising twists of the story. Ranaulf's sister Morag lives with her dog Monty. But when Cigfa and Branwen, two witches with nothing better to do, come by to torment him, she is afraid for his life. They threaten to hurt or take him away if she doesn't give them The Enchanted Cup. But she doesn't have it! Giles, a seer, arrives just then and promises to help her.Meanwhile, at Caradon Hall, King Morvan would rather plan the May Day party than govern his people. His mother Beatrice is handling the details, including hiring dancers. She is only happy with one, Ophelia. Giles, unable to "see" the cup on his own, gets help from four fairies who will scour the earth, searching for the Cup.A stranger from another country arrives in Northborough, with an unbelievable claim about the earth revolving around the sun. He wants funding and to travel to Italy for an audience. Beatrice falls in love at first sight; her husband Mesmin is brokenhearted as she leaves with the stranger, having made a love potion as insurance.One of the fairies has found the cup; it lies on a shore in America, a mysterious land which no one has ever seen. Morvan allows Captain Brendan to pilot his ship as he and Morag head west to find it. Mesmin retreats to his room and Morvan tells Ophelia of his dream--where he violently kills Mikolaj, the stranger who has taken his mother away. He hits his beloved, and she becomes afraid.On the Cormorant, Morag is falling in love with Brendan, despite her desire not to! But then an island blocks their path, and Queen Frostliegh is about to freeze them to death. He proposes a switch to her, his magical ability to turn himself into a sea monster for letting them go. She agrees, but blinds and burns the captain in the process.Now headed away, Brendan realizes his feelings for Morag and proposes. While he waits on the Cormorant, Morag finds the Enchanted Cup in America. But when they head back, the mermaid Maeve appears off their boat and demands the cup. Another deal is made; this time Brendan is given his sight back and Morag tosses the cup into the sea. Beatrice and Mikolaj arrive in Italy, but he becomes sick and quickly dies. She hurries north, but perishes only minutes after Mesmin forgives her. King Morvan is worried that a pandemic may be affecting his kingdom. Cigfa and Branwen visit Morag and demand the cup, which she doesn't have. They say they will simply take her first-born instead. Morag wants a non-traditional wedding, on the beach, where she writes her own vows. But as more people die, Goslar the Elf has an idea, and he starts selling "holy dirt" to cure the disease. Finally, at the wedding, Brendan sees Maeve standing in the crowd. What will that portend for their brand-new marriage?