Publisher's Synopsis
How can artificial intelligent brain satisfy to human beneficial and natural needs?Nowadays, new scientists' most familiar form of this vision in our times is genetic engineering. Specifically, the prospect of designing better human beings by improving their biological systems of a small, serious and accomplished group of tailors in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Their goal is a simply new age of post-biological life, a world of intelligence without bodies, immortal identity without the limitations of disease, death and unfulfilled desire. If human can understand why this fate is presented as both necessary and desirable, human might understand modern science can help us to enter the good life and good society stage when (AI) brain is invented by scientists successfully in our future life.How can (AI) beneficial brain satisfy to human natural need? For relatively recent example, similarly as a long term trend beginning with the first mechanical calculators, the evaluation of computing capacity increases in speed over time and decrease in cost. From biological evolution has been invented to influence human brain, an electronic chemical machine with a great, but finite number of computer neuron connections, the product of which we call mind or consciousness. As an electro-chemical machine, the brain obeys the laws of physics, all of its functions can be understood and duplicated. And since computers already operate at far faster speeds then the brain, they soon will rival or surpass the brain in their capacity to store and process information. When happens, the computer will at the vary least, be capable of responding to stimuli in ways that are indistinguishable for human responses. At that point, we would be justified in calling the machine intelligent, we would have the same evidence to call it conscious that human now have when giving such a label to any consciousness other than our own. ImageAt the same time, the study of human brain will allow us to duplicate its functions in machine circuitry. Advances in brain imaging will allow us to " map out" brain functions, allowing individual minds to be duplicated in some combination of hardware and software. The result, will be a world that is remade and reconstructed at the atomic level through nanotechnology, a world whose organization will be shaped by an intelligence that surpasses all human comprehension.Whether or not today's humans are willing or able to " download" their brains into machines, there will come a time when all human beings will be intelligent machines in the future. Computer hardware will continue to get faster, cheaper and more powerful computer software will increase in sophistication. Brain research will continue to explore the " mechanics" of consciousness. Nanotechnology will continue to develop.There are powerful incentives, commercial, military, medical and intellectual that will drive many of the advances that the extinctions desire if for very different reasons. Much of the work in artificial intelligence and robotics is open to the same defense that is made on behalf of biotechnology: If we don't do it, they will and why suffer or be unhappy when some new agent or invention is available that will solve the problem.Finally, we already accept significant artificial argumentation and replacement of natural body parts when those parts are missing or defective. Over time indistinguishable from or " superior" to their biological counterparts as they employ increasing computer processing power. There are powerful incentives, commercial, military, medical and intellectual that will drive many of the advances that the extinctions desire, if for very different reasons.