Publisher's Synopsis
To understand what ministry is all about we must first define it. Minister is noun; it is a person authorize to conduct religious worship; member of clergy or pastor. Then Peter opens his mouth and said "In truth I perceive that God shows not partially. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by HimActs 10: 34-35 (NKJ NIV STUDY BIBLE)God has no respecter of person; He can use anybody; anywhere and at anytime to accomplish His plan. But there are some things God intended for men only and that are an office of a Bishop and Deacon. I don't care what anyone says we have taken God word and made it into man and the bible strictly tells us not to add or take away. It is God's word and we have cross the line when we disobey his word. I will be discussing this a little further in chapters.In our world today women don't get the recognition we deserve. We are considered lower than men who sometimes looked upon as stay at home wives bearing children. There are some jobs women fill that men do and don't receive the same pay as they do. Society had downgraded women for years even in some of the songs that these wrappers sing. It is time for women to take back their authority God had given to us in the most respectful way towards men. We must stand up to secure our future in this world. God has made us equal to men. In the book of Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (NIV) http: // God had put Adam to sleep and took one rib from his side Genesis 2:21 and created woman. When God woke Adam up He (God) brought the woman to Adam then He (Adam) named her woman because she came from his side and that is where a woman suppose to be right by her man side, not to be trampled on, not to be left behind nor forgotten but to walk side by side helping the man in every task that was put to him. Somewhere down the line men have forgotten that woman do have a place in society they have forgotten that we are more than housewives who stay home raising children or running errands not to mentioned cooking, cleaning, and doing their laundry.