Publisher's Synopsis
The Kingdom of France was a medieval and early modern monarchy in Western Europe. It was among the most powerful states in Europe and a great power since the High Middle Ages. It was also an early colonial power, with possessions around the world.IndexChapter 1: Kingdome of France 1.1 High middle Ages1.2 Late middle Ages and the Hundred Years' War1.3 Renaissance and Reformation1.4 Italian Wars1.5 Wars of ReligionChapter 2: Early modern France2.1 Demography2.2 Language2.3 Administrative structures2.4 Wars2.5 The Wars of Religion2.6 France in the 17th and 18th centuriesChapter 3: Social history3.1 Rural society3.2 Women and families3.3 Education for girls3.4 StepfamiliesChapter 4: Early modern France4.1 Demography4.2 Language4.3 Administrative structuresChapter 5: Political history5.1 Wars5.2 The Wars of Religion5.3 France in the 17th and 18th centuriesChapter 6: Social history6.1 Rural society6.2 Women and families6.3 Education for girls6.4 Stepfamilies6.5 Limited monarchy6.6 RestorationChapter 7: July Monarchy7.1 BackgroundChapter 8: Initial period 8.1 A permanent disorder8.2 Purge of the Legitimists8.3 The "Resistance" and the "Movement"Chapter 9: The Laffitte government (2 November 1830 - 13 March 1831)9.1 The February 1831 riotsChapter 10: The Casimir Perier government (13 March 1831 - 16 May 1832)10.1 Civil unrest (Canut Revolt) and repression10.2 Legislative elections of 183110.3 The 1832 cholera epidemicChapter 11: The consolidation of the regime (1832-1835)11.1 First Soult government11.2 April 1834 insurrections11.3 Legislative elections of 183411.4 Short-lived governments (July 1834 - February 1835)Chapter 12: Evolution towards parliamentarianism (1835-1840)12.1 The Broglie ministry (March 1835 - February 1836)12.2 The first Thiers government12.3 The two Molé governments (September 1836 - March 1839)12.4 Second Soult government12.5 The second Thiers cabinetChapter 13: The Guizot government (1840-1848)