Publisher's Synopsis
Racism is when discrimination, prejudice, abuse, or any other offensive behavior, verbal or physical is directed against other people because they are of a different colour or ethnicity. People often experience or suffer from racism in their daily lives as well as online. Experiencing racism can lead to severe consequences in a person's mental health, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), insomnia (difficulty sleeping), depression, anxiety disorder (uncontrollable worry and tension), and a sense of isolation.For whatever length of time that we live in a bigot society, you must be dynamic and not latent in instructing your kids in any case.When navigating a racist world, it's not enough to simply be a good person. You have to actually understand how racism works and how to fight it. And teaching that is the role of parenting. To not do anything against racism can send the message that racism is accepted in our society, which should never be.