Publisher's Synopsis
A feast of twelve courses with something for every pallet - be that for the mellow, for the bitter sweet, for the bloody and rare, or the light dessert. All are catered for here. Come, partake, and enjoy.My Wife Doesn't Understand Me - Obviously neither does the husband. Be careful what you say aloud.Envious Evil Eye - The grass can be greener and others will want it. I Promise - A written promise coming to fulfilment. She Dreamed of Flash Fiction - One writer's life. Another Meal, Another Mess - People change as the years pass. Inward Eye Of The Stones - Warriors go bravely forth to do the bidding of their superiors. So Very Proud - A mother's vanity. Sophie's House - All she wanted was for them to stay. The Nappy - One life changing incident without a condom. The Visitors - Going back home for a little holiday. A Breath - Take a very deep breath to read about this life. Manna For Heaven - Even the gods have taste buds.