Publisher's Synopsis
Most likely for luck but with good reasons, I predicted correctly that a disaster would happen in China as reported in August, 2019 in my article "Disasters in 2020". The second prediction has not happened yet, but it has more impact to our economy.The third prediction: China would not agree to pay for the damages of this pandemic and that would lead to the freezing of their debts to us (1.1 T as of early 2020). Eventually it would lead to a military war. I hope it would never happen. If it does, gold could be the best investment; consult your financial advisor before any actions.The root cause of the trade war is stopping China to replace us as the leading country. The trade war could lead to complete decoupling and the worst to a military war. U.S. and her allies would likely ask for the damages of this pandemic and that could lead to a military war.The main objective of this book is hopefully reduction the military conflict between U.S. and China.Size: 110 pages (6*9).Initial date: 05/2020Update: 12/2020