Publisher's Synopsis
'Peace River Country' is the story of a mother and her two young children, who leave town on a train one day to escape her alcoholic husband. They are intent on travelling as far as Peace River, but they don't have enough money for the train fare. Instead, they befriend the train conductor in Elevator, Saskatchewan, and end up renting a floor at his house. Bea, Harold, and Kally, try to make the best of their new life, immersing themselves in schoolwork and her laundry business, and playing with the local children. The story follows not just the Sonderns as they live out their new lives in Elevator, but also Chris Sondern, as he struggles with the loss of his family, alcoholism, and the poor job market in Dobie, Saskatchewan. The story also chronicles the lives of the Chatsworth family, who had rented out their flat to the Sonderns, and what became of them after the Sondern family moved on.