Publisher's Synopsis
⦁Performance management strategy raises bank organization efficiency⦁What role influences personality play in the time pressure bank working situation ? Can performance management strategy solve different departments employees efficiencies, in front line service and back line support service bank organizations ?Personality is a stable set of characteristics representing the internal properties of an individual. These characteristics, or traits are relatively, are major determinants of behaviour and influence behaviour across a wide variety of situation. The personality played role in the situation at the bank as: Marian, new employee of this bank loan manager, although she had more experienced in bank loan department, but she could not deal how to persuade this bank eight sections of managers to discuss how to solve loan volumes decreasing trouble successfully and meeting was poor performance and these was no result within eight months. Finally, she decided to enquire Vince Stoddard, the bank president to give suggestion to her how to persuade them to attend any meeting and how to persuade Dave, loan manager to assist her. Hence, she could not perform that she was one experienced person to have ability to solve any staffs personal trouble in this bank loan department within eight months successfully. I think she had an emotional instability trait, the degree to her to handle this issue stressful and she handled high demand situation with difficult. It influenced her job performance poorly and she could not success to work with this bank loan eight sections of managers, so she could not feel job satisfaction. Her lower levels of emotional instability tended to be negative due to she needed to find bank president to help her to solve this staff meeting trouble easily and she could not attempt to solve staff meeting to discuss how to increase loan volumes by herself within these eight months. Dave, the bank old loan manager and other seven sections of loan managers, whose personalities were non-agreeableness trait. Agreeableness is the degree to which a person is easy going and tolerant, who believes in the honesty of others, willing to help others and not tend to make conflict and is sensitive to the feelings of others. Due these bank eight sections of loan managers who did not like to attend meeting with Marian to discuss how to solve loan volumes decreasing trouble and there were no any solutions and Dave, this bank old loan manager who does not like to assist Marian to solve this trouble. Thus, I think they are non-agreeableness trait to play in the situation at this bank.⦁suggestion of performance management method to reduce time working pressure in different bank departmentsWhich the big five personality traits most clearly influenced Marian and Dave when they feel time pressure reducing to work together in the bank?