Publisher's Synopsis
Chinese Acrostics (in English) has been designed as a cooperative learning activity for Intermediate and senior high school classrooms.
What follows is a sample lesson plan: Students work in small groups using electronic devices as learning aids to solve each of the puzzles cooperatively. The teacher provides one copy of the same puzzle for each group who then, working together, provide correct answers to the starting questions. They then transfer the letters in each space to a grid, matching the numbers under the spaces to the numbers of the grid. Once filled, the grid spells out the puzzle's solution. This may be followed by: a) discussion of the solution's content;b) an individual written assignment;
c) marks awarded for each group for order of the classroom finish of the correct solution; and
d) individual marks for each student's written assignment Questions in each puzzle include a variety of topics, the following: Chinese geography, culture, important dates, personalities, landmarks and other details from ancient and modern Chinese History. Chinese Acrostics (in English) has been designed to be used wherever Chinese studies are taught. The purpose of these puzzles is to stimulate the natural curiosity of students about their world; the solution to each of these puzzles represents one element of Chinese culture, which their teachers may form into a lesson.