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Data Science With Python

Data Science With Python The Absolute Beginners Guide To Learn Data Science With Python - Data Science With Python

Paperback (24 Jan 2020)

  • $23.41
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Publisher's Synopsis

Do you want to learn what data science is all about? Familiar with Python and wonder how to use it to its fullest extent? Then this guide is for you.Learn how to set up your data science toolbox containing all the important tools you will need to complete a data science project. Python is the number one programming language for data science and this book will walk you through a project, allowing you to get familiar with the tools so you can move on to your own projects.Earn how to preprocess data, load it, transform it and fix it for the purpose of analysis. Learn how to explore data and how to process it before looking at the fundamental machine learning algorithms required for data science, at graph analysis and visualization tools. You will learn: -How to use Python to set up your data science toolbox-How to prepare data-How to solve data science problems-How to explore and manipulate data-All about the data science pipeline and how to set one up-How to choose the right algorithm for the right task-The visualization tools you need to present your resultsData science is here and it's here to stay so start your data science journey right now by clicking that Buy Now button.

Book information

ISBN: 9798603792880
Publisher: Independently Published
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 218
Weight: 299g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 12mm