Publisher's Synopsis
Dani is crushed and lonely after losing her big brother. Is Drew the angel she didn't know she was looking for?
Dani swore she would steer clear of any relationship with anyone in the military after losing her brother while he was in the Navy. He was the only family she had left, and now he's gone. Six months after his death, she's still texting her big brother, without a response of course - until one day she gets one...
After 10 years in the Marines, Drew feels it's time to settle down and spend more time stateside closer to his mother and sisters. After being back for a few weeks, he gets a new cell phone and within hours of activating the number, he receives a strange text message. UNKNOWN NUMBER: Why do I fall for it, right? I went out on a blind date with a friend's boyfriends' friend. Does that make sense? Anyways, long story short, I got stood up. Never doing it again. DREW: The guy's a loser.They never expected one text message to change their lives. As the texts continue, can they let their guard down long enough for love?