Publisher's Synopsis
In Apocalypse, the first book in this two-volume work about a possible "last of days" scenario, our protagonists, narrators were facing one of the grimmest situations imaginable. They were not only incarcerated in a maximum-security prison but also witnessing what seemed the end of the world. A combination of natural disasters, technological accidents, and a worldwide epidemic wipe out most of the human race. By the narrowest of margins and a combination of luck and skill, the heroes escaped and made their way to one of the few remaining pockets of civilization.At the end of Apocalypse Jordan reflects on three points. He looks forward to marrying the lovely Carol Nolte and to being ordained as a Catholic deacon, perhaps later as a priest. He also reflects on the fate of his ex-wife Cora, the chief cause of his misfortunes. The Paraclete also resolves this question, with a revelation as stunningly unforeseen as it is appropriate.Although this story is fiction and occurs in the hypothetical near future, like all good fiction it draws heavily upon factual data. The information upon Paracelsus, Giordano Bruno, the Golem of Prague, and the Miracle of Lanciano is all documented and available from many sources. Unfortunately, it is still not widely known to the general public. Maybe that will change now.Vassar Smith, July, 2019