Publisher's Synopsis
Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP is a Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd prime minister of Canada since 2015 and has been the leader of the Liberal Party since 2013.Book contain: - Justin TrudeauChapter 1: Justin Trudeau Story 1.1 Childhood1.3 University and early career1.4 AdvocacyChapter 2: Opposition, 2008-20152.1 Leader of the Liberal Party2.2 2013 leadership election2.3 Leadership, 2013-20152.4 2015 federal election2.5 Foreign policy2.6 2019 federal election2.7 2019 election results2.8 COVID-19 pandemic2.9 WE Charity Ethics InvestigationChapter 3: Life of PMO3.1 Religion3.2 HonorsChapter 4: Premiership of Justin TrudeauChapter 5: Event responsesChapter 6: COVID-19 PandemicChapter 7: Foreign policyChapter 8: Electoral reform proposalChapter 9: Scandals and ControversiesChapter 10: Officers of ParliamentChapter 11: WE Charity scandalChapter 12: Investigation and cancellation